Wednesday, March 23, 2011


In this project, we made a poster for a play that is being performed at our school. To make the poster, we used almost all our tools and knowledge in photoshop.

In "CREW" we used tools to repair the photo and make it look better. We used the clone tool to fix the edge of the photo and the horizontal type mask tool to add the word "crew" to the photo.

In the project "Handsome Guy" we used many tools to take out wrinkles on his face and to make the guy look younger. Some of the tools we used were the patch tool, healing tool, and the history brush. We also made many adjustment layers to fix the lighting and coloring.

In this project, we had to fix and color an old photo. We used he clone and patch tools to fix the crease and dust marks. We then used hue and saturation adjustment layers to color the photo.

The point of this project was to make this girl look like she was wearing make up and to make her look better. To do this, we used the patch and spot healing tool to fix the blemishes. We then used hue and saturation layers to add color to her eyes and lips. Lastly we blurred her skin to make it look like she was wearing makeup.

In this project, we used our own picture to use in a magazine cover. We used all of our tools and knowledge to complete this project.

In this project, we had to use our Photoshop skills to create a CD cover or a game cover. I decided to make a game cover using images i found online.

This is the backside of the game cover I created in Photoshop. It includes a short summary of the game and a few more pictures.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Photoshop Projects

The purpose of Thespians was to learn the program Bridge. We also learned how to edit image size and resolution.

The Purpose of Commodities was to learn image size and resolution. We also learned how to use all of the selection tools to select images off of the internet.

In the project Zoo, we learned the difference between image size and canvas size. We also learned how to put borders around pictures, as well as image size and resolution.

The purpose of the Annual Cover project was to learn how to use the quick selection tool as well as the gradient tool. We also learned image size and resolution.